Welcome to our website! Thank you for trusting us with your purchase!
If you have any questions about these General Terms and Conditions, the use of the website, the individual products, the purchase process, or if you would like to discuss your individual needs with us, please contact our staff at the contact details provided!
data of the Service Provider (Seller, Company).
Company details:
Bank details:
Goods : offered on the Website and intended for sale on the Website:
Goods containing digital elements : movable things that include or are linked to digital content or digital services in such a way that the goods could not perform their functions without the digital content or digital service concerned
Digital content : data produced or provided in digital form
Parties : Seller and Buyer together
Consumer : a natural person acting for purposes outside of his independent occupation and economic activity, who buys, orders, receives, uses, makes use of goods or is the recipient of commercial communications or offers related to the goods. In the application of the rules on the conciliation body - with the exception of the application of Regulation 524/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the online settlement of consumer disputes and amending Regulation 2006/2004/EC and Directive 2009/22/EC – in addition to the above, a non-governmental organization, church legal entity, condominium, housing association acting for purposes outside of its independent occupation and scope of economic activity, according to a separate law, which buys, orders, receives, uses, makes use of goods or trades in relation to the goods, is considered a consumer recipient of a communication or offer. Within the internal market, on action against unjustified territorial content restrictions and other forms of discrimination based on the customer's nationality, place of residence or place of establishment, as well as Regulation 2006/2004/EC and (EU) 2017/2394, as well as 2009/22/EC for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2018/302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 February 2018 on the amendment of the directive [hereinafter: Regulation (EU) 2018/302], in addition to the above, a customer who is considered a customer according to Regulation (EU) 2018/302 is considered a consumer also a business
Consumer contract : a contract, one of whose subjects is considered a consumer
Functionality : the ability of a good containing digital elements, digital content or a digital service to perform functions appropriate to its purpose
Manufacturer : the producer of the Goods, in the case of imported Goods, the importer who brings the Goods into the territory of the European Union, as well as any person who, by indicating the name, trademark or other distinguishing mark of the Goods, presents himself as a manufacturer
Interoperability : the ability of a good, digital content or digital service containing digital elements to work with hardware and software different from that with which the same type of good, digital content or digital service is normally used
Compatibility : the ability of a good, digital content or digital service containing digital elements to work - without the need for conversion - with hardware or software with which goods, digital content or digital services of the same type are normally used together
Website : this website, which serves to conclude the contract
Contract : A sales contract created between the Seller and the Buyer using the Website and electronic correspondence
Durable data medium : any device that enables the consumer or the business to store the data addressed to him personally in a way that is still accessible in the future and for a period of time suitable for the purpose of the data, as well as to display the stored data in an unchanged form
Device enabling communication between absent parties : a device that is suitable for making a contract declaration in the absence of the parties - in order to conclude a contract. Such a device is, in particular, an addressed or unaddressed form, a standard letter, an advertisement published in a press product with an order form, a catalog, a telephone, a fax machine and a device providing Internet access.
Absentee contract : a consumer contract that is concluded without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties within the framework of a distance selling system organized for the provision of goods or services in accordance with the contract, in such a way that, in order to conclude the contract, the contracting parties use a device that enables communication between absent parties only
Business : a person acting in the scope of his profession, independent occupation or business activity
Buyer/You : the person making a purchase offer through the Website
Purchase price : consideration to be paid for the Goods and for the provision of digital content.
Applicable legislation
The Contract is governed by the provisions of Hungarian law, and in particular the following legislation applies:
Scope and acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions
The content of the contract between us is determined - in addition to the provisions of the relevant binding legislation - by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC). Accordingly, these Terms and Conditions contain the rights and obligations of you and us, the conditions for the conclusion of the contract, the performance deadlines, the delivery and payment conditions, the liability rules, and the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal.
The technical information required to use the Website, which is not contained in these Terms and Conditions, is provided by other information available on the Website.
You are obliged to familiarize yourself with the provisions of these GTC before finalizing your order.
The language of the contract, the form of the contract
The language of the contracts covered by these GTC is Hungarian.
Contracts falling within the scope of these GTC are not written contracts, they are not filed by the Seller.
Procedure in case of incorrect price
It is considered an obviously incorrect price:
In the case of an incorrect price, the Seller offers the possibility of purchasing the Goods at the real price, with which information the Buyer can decide whether to order the Goods at the real price or cancel the order without any adverse legal consequences.
Complaint handling and legal enforcement options
The consumer may file a warranty claim, product warranty, or warranty claim related to the Goods, or an objection to the termination of individual rights or interests regarding the conduct, activity or omission of the Seller, or of a person acting on behalf of or for the benefit of the Seller, which is directly related to the distribution or sale of the goods to consumers ( you can submit a consumer complaint according to the Fgytv.) at the following contacts and methods:
The Seller, not the Fgytv. rules on handling consumer complaints, but is obliged to do so according to separate legislation.
The consumer is the Fgytv. complaint, which is an objection aimed at the termination of an individual right or interest injury related to the conduct, activity or omission of the enterprise, or the person acting in the interest or benefit of the enterprise, which is directly related to the distribution or sale of the goods to consumers, - the accessory warranty, product warranty or warranty claim with the exception of - you can inform the company verbally or in writing.
The company must investigate the verbal complaint immediately and remedy it as necessary . If the consumer does not agree with the handling of the complaint, or the immediate investigation of the complaint is not possible, the company is obliged to immediately take a record of the complaint and its position in relation to it, and hand over a copy of it to the consumer on the spot in case of a verbal complaint made in person. In the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or using other electronic communication services, it must be sent to the consumer at the latest within 30 days - in accordance with the regulations for the response to a written complaint - at the same time as the substantive response. In other respects, he is obliged to act as follows regarding the written complaint.
The company must - unless the directly applicable legal act of the European Union provides otherwise - respond to the written complaint within thirty days after its receipt in a way that can be substantiated in writing and take measures to communicate it . If the complaint is rejected, the business is obliged to inform the consumer in writing about which authority or conciliation body he can initiate the procedure with his complaint - according to its nature. The information must also include the headquarters, telephone and internet contact details, and mailing address of the competent authority and the conciliation body based on the consumer's place of residence or stay. The information must also cover whether the company has made a general declaration of submission to the Conciliation Board's decision.
If any consumer dispute between the Seller and the consumer is not settled during the negotiations, the following legal enforcement options are open to the consumer:
Consumer protection procedure
It is possible to lodge a complaint with the consumer protection authorities. If the consumer notices a violation of his consumer rights, he is entitled to file a complaint with the competent consumer protection authority according to his place of residence. After evaluating the complaint, the authority decides on the conduct of the consumer protection procedure. The first-level official tasks for consumer protection are carried out by the capital and county government offices competent according to the consumer's place of residence, a list of them can be found here:
Judicial proceeding
The customer is entitled to assert his claim arising from a consumer dispute before the court in the framework of a civil procedure in accordance with Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on the Civil Procedure Code. according to the provisions of the law.
Conciliation board procedure
If we reject your consumer complaint, you have the right to appeal to the competent authority of your place of residence or place of residence, or to the Conciliation Board indicated by you in the application. The condition for initiating the procedure of the conciliation body is that the consumer directly attempts to settle the dispute with the concerned business.
The conciliation board - unless the consumer requests a personal hearing - holds the hearing online without personal presence, via an electronic device that provides simultaneous audio and video transmission (hereinafter: online hearing).
The company has an obligation to cooperate in the conciliation board procedure, within the framework of which we are obliged to send our response to the conciliation board's invitation within the deadline. With the exception of the application of Regulation 524/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the online settlement of consumer disputes and the amendment of Regulation (EC) 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC, the company is entitled to create a settlement at the hearing is obliged to ensure the participation of a person. In the online hearing, the representative of the company authorized to create a settlement must participate online. If the consumer requests a personal hearing, the company's representative authorized to create a settlement must at least participate in the hearing online.
More information about the Conciliation Boards is available here:
Budapest Conciliation Board Contact: | Baranya County Conciliation Board Contact: |
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Board Contact: | Csongrád-Csanád County Conciliation Board Contact: |
Fejér County Conciliation Board Contact: | Győr-Moson-Sopron County Conciliation Board Contact: |
Hajdú-Bihar County Conciliation Board Contact: | Pest County Conciliation Board Contact: |
Based on the Consumer Protection Act, a consumer is a non-governmental organization, religious legal person, apartment building, housing association acting in accordance with a separate law for purposes outside of its independent occupation and scope of economic activity, which buys, orders, receives, uses, or makes use of goods for the Conciliation Board procedure. or the recipient of commercial communications or offers related to the goods.
The Conciliation Board is entitled to check and investigate the existence of consumer quality. The rules of the procedure are governed by the rules written under the Conciliation Board.
Online dispute resolution platform
The European Commission has created a website where consumers can register, so they have the opportunity to settle their legal disputes related to online purchases by filling out an application, avoiding court proceedings. In this way, consumers can assert their rights without, for example, distance preventing them from doing so.
If you want to make a complaint about a product or service you bought online and you don't necessarily want to go to court, you can use the online dispute resolution tool.
On the portal, you and the merchant against whom you have filed a complaint can jointly select the dispute resolution body you want to entrust with handling the complaint.
The online dispute resolution platform is available here:
LXXVI of 1999 on copyright. Act (hereinafter: Szt.) § 1 (1), the website is considered a copyrighted work, so all parts of it are protected by copyright. The Szt. On the basis of Section 16 (1), the unauthorized use of graphics and software solutions, computer programs on the website, or the use of any application that can be used to modify the website or any part of it is prohibited. Any material from the website and its database may be taken, even with the written consent of the right holder, only by referring to the website and indicating the source. The right holder: Fabo Group Hungary Kft.
Partial invalidity, code of conduct
If any point of the General Terms and Conditions is legally incomplete or invalid, the other points of the contract will remain in force and the provisions of the relevant legislation shall apply instead of the invalid or incorrect part.
The Seller does not have a code of conduct according to the Act on the Prohibition of Unfair Trade Practices against Consumers.
Information on the operation of goods containing digital elements, as well as on the applicable technical protection measures
The availability of the servers providing the data displayed on the website is over 99.9% per year. The entire data content is regularly backed up, so in the event of a problem, the original data content can be restored. The data displayed on the website are stored in MSSQL and MySQL databases. Sensitive data is stored with an appropriate level of encryption, and hardware support built into the processor is used to encode it.
Information on the essential properties of the Goods
On the website, we provide information on the essential properties of the Goods that can be purchased in the descriptions of each of the Goods.
Correction of data entry errors - Responsibility for the veracity of the data provided
During the ordering process, before finalizing the order, you have the opportunity to change the data you entered at any time (clicking the back button in the browser opens the previous page, so the entered data can be corrected even if you have already moved to the next page). Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the data you provide is entered accurately, as the Goods will be invoiced and delivered based on the data provided by you. We draw your attention to the fact that an incorrectly entered e-mail address or the saturation of the storage space belonging to the mailbox may result in the non-delivery of the confirmation and prevent the conclusion of the contract. If the Buyer has finalized his order and discovers an error in the provided data, he must initiate the modification of his order as soon as possible. The Buyer can notify the Seller of the change to the incorrect order by sending a letter from the e-mail address provided at the time of the order or by calling the Seller.
Basic use of the website
The purchase is not subject to registration.
Selecting the Product
By clicking on the product categories on the website, you can select the desired product family and the individual products within it. By clicking on each product, you will find the product's photo, article number, description, and price. In case of purchase, you must pay the price listed on the website.
Add to cart
After selecting the Product, you can click on the "Add to Cart" button to place any number of products in the cart without any obligation to purchase or pay, as adding to the cart does not constitute an offer.
We recommend that you place the product in the basket even if you are not sure whether you want to buy the particular product, because this will give you an overview of the products you have selected at the moment and display them on one screen with one click. can view and compare. The contents of the basket can be modified freely until the order is finalized - until the "Finalize order" button is pressed, products can be removed from the basket as desired, new products can be added to the basket as desired, and the desired product number can be changed.
If you place the selected product in the Cart, a separate window will pop up with the text "Product has been added to the cart". If you do not wish to select more products, click the "Proceed to the basket" button! If you want to view the selected product again or add a new product to the cart, click the "Back to product" button!
Viewing the Cart
When using the website, you can check the contents of the basket at any time by clicking on the "View Cart" icon at the top of the website. Here you can remove the selected products from the basket or change the number of the product. After pressing the "Update cart" button, the system displays the information corresponding to the data you have changed, including the price of the products added to the cart.
If you do not wish to select additional products and place them in the basket, you can continue shopping by pressing the "Order" button.
Enter customer data
After pressing the "Order" button, the contents of the basket will be displayed, as well as the total price to be paid if you purchase the products you have selected. In the "Delivery service" box, you must indicate whether you wish to collect the ordered product in person (personal collection) or request delivery. In case of delivery, the system indicates the delivery fee, which you must pay when placing an order.
You can enter your e-mail address in the "User data" text box, and your full name, address, and phone number in the "Billing information" text box. In the "Shipping information" text box, the system automatically stores the data entered during "Billing information". If you request delivery to a different address, please remove the check mark. You can enter any additional information in the "Comment" text box.
Order overview
After filling in the above text boxes, you can continue the ordering process by clicking on the "Continue with the next step" button, or by clicking on the "Cancel" button, you can delete/correct the data entered so far and return to the contents of the Cart. If you click on the "Continue to the next step" button, you will be taken to the "Order overview" page. Here you can see a summary of the data you previously provided, such as the contents of the Cart, user, billing and delivery data and the amount to be paid (you cannot change these data here, except by clicking the "Back" button).
If you are convinced that the contents of the basket correspond to the Goods you wish to order, and that your information is correct, you can complete your order by clicking the " Order " button. The information provided on the website does not constitute an offer to conclude a contract on the part of the Seller. In the case of orders falling under the scope of these GTC, you are considered to be the offeror.
By pressing the " Order " button, you expressly acknowledge that your offer must be considered as made, and that your statement - in the event of confirmation by the Seller in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions - entails a payment obligation. The Seller is obliged to confirm the arrival of the order to the Buyer electronically without delay. If this confirmation is not received by the Buyer within the expected time frame, depending on the nature of the service, but no later than 48 hours after sending the Buyer's order, the Buyer is released from the binding offer or contractual obligation.
You can place your order at any time. The Seller will confirm your offer by e-mail no later than 48 hours after sending your offer. The contract is created when the confirmation email sent by the Seller becomes available to you in your mail system.
If the Buyer does not accept the Goods ordered and delivered for delivery, and does not notify the Seller of his intention to cancel within 14 days without the justification provided by law, he is in breach of his contract with the Seller, according to which he is obliged to accept the Goods and thereby accept the Seller's performance. In this case, the Seller will attempt to re-deliver the Goods, if he can coordinate this with the Buyer, but may make the re-delivery subject to the payment of a delivery fee. If the repeat delivery is unsuccessful, or it cannot be agreed with the Buyer because the Buyer refuses to cooperate, the Seller is entitled to terminate the contract with the Buyer with immediate effect due to the breach of contract and to enforce the cost of the unsuccessful delivery and return to the Buyer as a penalty. To terminate the contract, the parties accept the use of the e-mail used by the Buyer at the time of ordering as a form of communication and state that the date of notice of termination is the time when the termination letter becomes available in the Buyer's e-mail account.
Payment methods
You can also pay for the products by bank transfer. This option is only available if you choose the "advance payment" payment method. After placing and processing the order, we will send you a fee request by email.
In our online store, you can pay quickly and securely by bank card.
If you wish to settle the value of the order upon receipt of the package, select the "Cash on delivery" payment method. Cash on delivery handling cost HUF 300 gross.
Cash on delivery treatment up to a maximum of HUF 300,000. All orders with a value greater than this can be settled by bank transfer or bank card payment.
Acceptance methods, acceptance fees
The product is delivered by the GLS courier service.
You can find more information here:
Door-to-door delivery by courier service is the most popular for online shopping , but the rate of personal collection is increasing every year. Customers can receive the goods comfortably and according to their own schedule through GLS Parcel Points, where cash payment is ensured.
GLS Parcel Points are located in easily accessible places, such as shopping centers, gas stations, bookstores or other busy stores. Most of them are open for long hours, even on weekends, for customers who want to pick up or drop off packages. GLS sends an e-mail or SMS notification to the recipient about the delivery of the goods. The customer can pick up the package at any time within 5 working days, taking into account the opening hours of the GLS Parcel Point.
It is not possible to receive products ordered through the online store in person.
With GLS courier service abroad
In the case of sending parcels abroad, we prepare an individual shipping fee calculation! In the case of foreign delivery, only payment by bank transfer can be selected.
Regarding the order, the general delivery deadline is a maximum of 3 days from the confirmation of the order . In case of delay by the Seller, the Buyer is entitled to set an additional deadline. If the Seller does not perform within the additional deadline, the Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract. For each delivery method, a delivery deadline that may differ from the general delivery deadline is indicated in each case.
If you previously ordered Goods without receiving them during delivery (not including the case when you exercised your right of withdrawal), or if the Goods were returned to the seller with a not wanted mark, the Seller will fulfill the order with the purchase price and the obligates you to pay shipping costs in advance.
The Seller may withhold the delivery of the Goods until he is satisfied that the payment of the price of the Goods has been successfully made using the electronic payment solution (including the case when, in the case of Goods paid by bank transfer, the Buyer transfers the purchase price and the conversion in the currency of his Member State, and due to bank commissions and costs, the Seller does not receive the full amount of the purchase price and the delivery fee). If the price of the Goods has not been paid in full, the Seller may ask the Buyer to supplement the purchase price.
The Seller does not distinguish between Buyers in the territory of Hungary and outside the territory of the European Union using the Website. In the absence of a different provision of these GTC, the Seller ensures the delivery/receipt of the ordered Goods in the territory of Hungary.
The provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply to purchases outside of Hungary as well, with the fact that, based on the provisions of the relevant decree, a consumer who is a citizen of a Member State or has a place of residence in a Member State, or a business that has a place of business in a Member State, is considered a buyer in the interpretation of this point. and within the European Union buys goods or uses services for the sole purpose of end use, or acts with such intent. A consumer is a natural person who acts for a purpose that is outside the scope of his commercial, industrial, craft or professional activities.
The language of communication and purchase is primarily Hungarian, the Seller is not obliged to communicate with the Buyer in the language of the Buyer's home country.
The Seller is not obliged to comply with the non-contractual requirements set out in the national law of the Buyer's Member State in relation to the relevant Goods, such as labeling or sector-specific requirements, or to inform the Buyer of these requirements.
Unless otherwise specified by the Seller, Hungarian VAT applies to all Goods.
The Customer may exercise his legal rights in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
If an electronic payment solution is used, the payment is made in the currency specified by the Seller,
The Seller may withhold the delivery of the Goods until he is satisfied that the payment of the price of the Goods and the delivery fee has been successfully and fully made using the electronic payment solution (including the case when, in the case of Goods paid by bank transfer, the Buyer transfers in the currency of his Member State due to the purchase price (delivery fee) and the conversion, as well as bank commissions and costs, the Seller does not receive the full amount of the purchase price). If the price of the Goods has not been paid in full, the Seller may ask the Buyer to supplement the purchase price.
In order to hand over the Goods, the Seller also provides non-Hungarian Buyers with the same handover options as Hungarian Buyers.
If, according to the General Terms and Conditions, the Customer may request the delivery of the Goods to the territory of Hungary or to the territory of any other European Union member state, the non-Hungarian customer may also request this by any of the delivery methods specified in the General Terms and Conditions.
If, according to the General Terms and Conditions, the Buyer can choose to receive the Goods in person from the Seller, this can also be used by non-Hungarian Buyers.
In other cases, the Buyer may request that the Goods be transported abroad at his own expense. Hungarian Buyers are not entitled to this right.
The Seller fulfills the order after payment of the delivery fee, if the Buyer does not pay the delivery fee to the Seller, or does not resolve the delivery itself by the pre-agreed date, the Seller will terminate the contract and refund the purchase price paid in advance to the Buyer .
Consumer information
As a consumer, the Civil Code 8:1. According to § 1, point 3, only a natural person acting outside the scope of his profession, independent occupation or business activity is considered, so legal entities cannot use the right of withdrawal without justification!
45/2014. (II. 26.) According to § 20 of the Government Decree, you have the right to cancel without giving reasons. The consumer has the right of withdrawal
a) In the case of a contract for the sale of goods,
aa) to the Goods,
b) in the case of the sale and purchase of several Goods, if the individual Goods are delivered at different times, to the last delivered Goods,
it can be exercised within the time limit from the date of receipt by the consumer or a third party indicated by him, other than the carrier, which time limit is 14 calendar days .
The provisions of this clause do not affect the consumer's right to exercise the right of withdrawal specified in this clause during the period between the date of conclusion of the contract and the day of receipt of the Goods.
If the consumer has made an offer to conclude the contract, the consumer has the right to withdraw the offer before the conclusion of the contract, which terminates the binding nature of the offer covering the conclusion of the contract.
If the Seller has not informed the consumer about the deadline and other conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal (especially those contained in § 22 of the Government Decree), as well as the sample declaration according to Annex 2, the withdrawal deadline written above will be extended by 12 months. If the Seller has provided the consumer with information regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal within 12 months of the expiry of the withdrawal period, the period open to withdrawal or cancellation expires on the 14th day from the date of communication of this information.
45/2014, the consumer (II. 26.) You can exercise your right guaranteed in § 20 of the Government Decree by means of a clear declaration to this effect, or by using a sample declaration that can also be downloaded from the website.
The right of withdrawal shall be deemed to have been asserted within the deadline if the consumer sends his statement within the deadline.
In the case of written withdrawal or termination, it is sufficient to send the withdrawal or termination statement within the deadline.
The consumer bears the burden of proving that he exercised his right of withdrawal in accordance with this provision.
The Seller is obliged to confirm the consumer's declaration of withdrawal on an electronic data medium after its arrival.
If the consumer is the 45/2014. (II. 26.) withdraws from the contract in accordance with § 22 of the Government Decree, the Seller will refund the full amount paid by the consumer as consideration, including the costs incurred in connection with the performance, such as the delivery fee, within fourteen days of becoming aware of the withdrawal at the latest too. Please note that this provision does not apply to additional costs caused by choosing a mode of transport other than the least expensive standard mode of transport.
45/2014. (II. 26.) In the event of withdrawal or termination in accordance with § 22 of the Government Decree, the Seller will refund the amount due to the consumer in the same way as the payment method used by the consumer. Based on the express consent of the consumer, the Seller may use another payment method for the refund, but the consumer may not be charged any additional fees as a result. The Seller is not responsible for delays due to a wrongly and/or inaccurately provided bank account number or postal address by the Consumer.
If the consumer specifically chooses a mode of transport other than the least expensive usual mode of transport, the Seller is not obliged to reimburse the resulting additional costs. In such a case, we are obliged to refund up to the indicated general delivery charges.
The Seller may withhold the amount due to the consumer until the consumer has returned the Goods or proven beyond doubt that he has returned them; of the two, the earlier date must be taken into account. We are unable to accept items sent by cash on delivery or by post.
If the consumer is the 45/2014. (II. 26.) withdraws from the contract in accordance with § 22 of the Government Decree, is obliged to return the Goods immediately, but no later than within fourteen days from the notification of the withdrawal, or hand them over to the Seller or to a person authorized by the Seller to receive the Goods. The return is deemed completed within the deadline if the consumer sends the Goods before the deadline.
The consumer bears the direct cost of returning the Goods. The Goods must be returned to the Seller's address. If the Seller also sells the Goods at the business premises, and the consumer exercises his right of withdrawal in person at the business premises of the business, he is entitled to return the goods to the business at the same time. If the consumer terminates the contract for the provision of services concluded outside the business premises or between absent parties after the beginning of performance, he is obliged to pay the company a fee commensurate with the service performed up to the date of notification of the termination to the company. The amount to be paid proportionately by the consumer must be determined on the basis of the total amount of the consideration established in the contract plus tax. If the consumer proves that the total amount determined in this way is excessively high, the proportional amount must be calculated based on the market value of the services performed up to the date of termination of the contract. Please note that we are unable to accept goods returned by cash on delivery or by postage.
The consumer is responsible for the depreciation resulting from use exceeding the use necessary to determine the nature, properties and operation of the Goods.
If, according to the relevant legislation, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised, or can only be exercised under conditions, the Buyer is not entitled to trial use either.
The Seller specifically draws your attention to the fact that you may not exercise your right of withdrawal pursuant to Section 29 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.). In the cases included in paragraph (1):
Information on product warranty and accessory warranty for guaranteeing the conformity of the goods in relation to consumer contracts
This section of the consumer information was prepared based on the authorization of Section 11 (5) of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26) taking into account Annex No. 3 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26)
The Consumer Information only applies to Buyers who qualify as consumers, the rules for buyers who are not considered consumers are included in a separate chapter.
At the time of delivery, the Goods and the performance must comply with Regulation 373/2021. (VI.30.) to the requirements contained in the Government Decree.
In order for the performance to be considered contractual for the Goods that are the subject of the contract
In order for the performance to be deemed to be in accordance with the contract - in addition - to the Goods that are the subject of the contract
The Goods need not comply with the above public statement if the Seller proves that
The Seller performs incorrectly if the defect in the goods results from improper installation, provided that
a) commissioning is part of the sales contract and was carried out by the Seller or was carried out under the Seller's responsibility; or
b) the commissioning had to be carried out by the consumer, and the unprofessional commissioning is the result of deficiencies in the commissioning instructions provided by the Seller - or in the case of goods containing digital elements - by the digital content or digital service provider.
If, according to the sales contract, the goods are put into operation by the Seller, or if the putting into operation takes place under the responsibility of the Seller, the performance must be considered completed by the Seller when the putting into operation is completed.
If, in the case of goods containing digital elements, the sales contract provides for the continuous provision of digital content or digital services over a specified period of time, the Seller is liable for a defect in the goods related to the digital content, if the defect occurs in the case of continuous service for a period not exceeding two years from the delivery of the goods within two years; or occurs or becomes recognizable.
In the case of goods containing digital elements, the Seller must ensure that the consumer is notified of such updates to the digital content of the goods or the related digital service - including security updates - which are necessary to maintain the conformity of the goods with the contract, and must also ensure that the consumer you get them too.
Making the update available to the Seller if the sales contract
If the consumer does not install the provided updates within a reasonable period of time, the Seller is not liable for the defect of the goods, if it arises solely from the failure to apply the relevant update, provided that
a) the Seller informed the consumer about the availability of the update and the consequences of the consumer's failure to install it; and
b) failure to install the update by the consumer or incorrect installation of the update by the consumer cannot be attributed to the incompleteness of the installation instructions provided by the Seller.
Defective performance cannot be established if, when concluding the contract, the consumer received special information that a specific property of the goods differs from what is described here, and when concluding the sales contract, the consumer separately and expressly accepted this deviation.
The Seller supplies and provides the digital content to the consumer. In the absence of a different agreement between the parties, the Seller shall provide the consumer with the digital content in the latest version available at the time of the conclusion of the contract without undue delay.
The service is considered completed when the digital content or - any solution necessary for accessing it or suitable for downloading it - has been delivered to the consumer or to the physical or virtual device chosen by the consumer for this purpose.
The Seller must ensure that the consumer is notified of any updates to the digital content - including security updates - that are necessary to maintain the contractual conformity of the digital content or digital service, as well as receive them.
If, on the basis of the contract, the provision of digital content is carried out continuously for a specified period of time, the conformity of the performance with regard to the digital content must be ensured during the entire duration of the contract.
If the consumer does not install the updates provided by the Seller within a reasonable period of time, the Seller is not responsible for the service failure, if it results solely from the failure to apply the relevant update, provided that
Defective performance cannot be established if, at the time of concluding the contract, the consumer received special information that a specific feature of the digital content deviates from the requirements defined here, and at the time of concluding the contract, the consumer separately and expressly accepted this deviation.
The Seller performs incorrectly if the error in the digital content service results from unprofessional integration into the consumer's digital environment, provided that
If the contract provides for the continuous provision of the digital content or digital service over a specified period of time, the Seller is responsible for the error related to the digital content, if the error occurs or becomes recognizable during the period specified in the contract.
If the contract provides for a one-time service or a series of individual service acts, it must be assumed, until proven otherwise, that the defect recognized by the consumer within one year from the date of performance already existed at the time of performance. At the same time, the Seller does not perform incorrectly if he proves that the consumer's digital environment is not compatible with the technical requirements of the digital content or digital service, and he informed the consumer of this in a clear and understandable way before concluding the contract.
The consumer is obliged to cooperate with the Seller so that the Seller - using the tools available from a technical point of view and requiring the least intervention for the consumer - can be convinced that the cause of the error is the consumer's digital environment. If the consumer does not comply with this obligation to cooperate, after the Seller has informed him of this obligation in a clear and comprehensible manner prior to the conclusion of the contract, the consumer bears the burden of proving that
Accessories warranty
In the event of defective performance by the Seller, you may assert a warranty claim against the Seller in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and, in the case of a consumer contract, Government Decree 373/2021 (VI.30).
You can – according to your choice – make use of the following accessory warranty claims:
You can request a repair or replacement, unless the fulfillment of the request you choose is impossible or would involve disproportionate additional costs for the Seller compared to the fulfillment of another request. If you did not, or could not, request the repair or replacement, you can request a proportional reduction of the compensation or, as a last resort, you can withdraw from the contract.
You can transfer from your selected accessory warranty right to another, but you will bear the cost of the transfer, unless it was justified or the Seller gave a reason for it.
In the case of a consumer contract, it must be assumed until proven otherwise that a defect recognized within one year from the date of delivery of the goods and goods containing digital elements already existed at the time of delivery of the goods, unless this presumption is incompatible with the nature of the goods or the nature of the defect.
In the case of used goods, warranty and guarantee rights differ from the general rules. In the case of used Goods, we can also speak of defective performance, however, the circumstances under which the Buyer could have expected the occurrence of certain defects must be taken into account. As a result of obsolescence, the occurrence of certain defects becomes more and more frequent, as a result of which it cannot be assumed that a used Goods can have the same quality as a newly purchased one. Based on this, the Buyer can only enforce its warranty rights with regard to defects that are beyond defects resulting from use and that arose independently of them. If the used Goods are defective and the Buyer, who is considered a Consumer, was informed of this at the time of purchase, the Service Provider has no responsibility for the known defect.
The Seller may refuse to make the goods conform to the contract if repair or replacement is impossible, or if doing so would result in disproportionate additional costs for the Seller, taking into account all circumstances, including the value represented by the Goods in perfect condition, as well as the severity of the breach of contract.
The consumer is also entitled - in accordance with the severity of the breach of contract - to request a proportionate delivery of compensation or to terminate the sales contract if
If the consumer wishes to terminate the sales contract citing faulty performance, the Seller bears the burden of proving that the fault is insignificant.
The Consumer is entitled to withhold the remaining part of the purchase price - depending on the severity of the breach of contract - in whole or in part until the Seller fulfills its obligations related to the conformity of the performance with the contract and defective performance.
It is a general rule that:
The reasonable deadline for the repair or replacement of the goods shall be calculated from the time when the Consumer communicated the defect to the company.
The consumer must make the goods available to the company in order to carry out the repair or replacement.
Delivery of compensation is proportionate if its amount is equal to the difference between the value of the goods due to the Consumer in the case of contractual performance and the value of the goods actually received by the Consumer.
The Consumer's right to terminate the sales contract can be exercised with a legal statement addressed to the Seller expressing the decision to terminate.
If the defective performance affects only a specific part of the goods supplied under the sales contract, and the conditions for exercising the right to terminate the contract exist in respect of them, the Consumer may terminate the sales contract only with regard to the defective goods, but also with respect to any other goods acquired together with them. may terminate it if the Consumer cannot reasonably be expected to keep only goods that conform to the contract.
If the Consumer terminates the sales contract in its entirety or with respect to a part of the goods supplied under the sales contract, then
You are obliged to report the error immediately after discovering it. An error reported within two months from the discovery of the error shall be considered an error reported without delay. At the same time, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that you can no longer assert your accessory warranty rights beyond the two-year limitation period from the completion of the contract.
The part of the repair time during which the Buyer cannot use the Goods as intended is not included in the limitation period.
The statute of limitations for the accessory warranty claim for the part of the Goods affected by the replacement or repair starts anew. This rule must also be applied if a new error arises as a result of the correction.
If the subject of the contract between the consumer and the business is a used thing, the parties can also agree on a shorter limitation period; a limitation period of less than one year cannot be validly established in this case either.
You can enforce your accessory warranty claim against the Seller.
Within one year from the date of delivery, there is no other condition for asserting your accessory warranty claim other than reporting the defect, if you prove that the Goods were provided by the Seller. However, after one year has passed since the performance, you are already obliged to prove that the defect you recognized was already present at the time of performance.
Product warranty
In the event of a defect in a movable thing (Goods), you may - at your choice - assert a warranty claim for accessories or a claim for product warranty in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code.
As a product warranty claim, you can request the repair or replacement of defective Goods.
The goods are defective if they do not meet the quality requirements in force at the time they are placed on the market, or if they do not have the properties described by the manufacturer.
You can assert your product warranty claim within two years of the Product being placed on the market by the manufacturer. After this deadline, you will lose this right.
You can exercise your product warranty rights against the manufacturer or distributor of the product (hereafter: manufacturer).
In the event of a product warranty claim, you must prove that the product defect existed at the time the manufacturer placed it on the market.
The manufacturer is released from its product warranty obligation if it can prove that:
It is sufficient for the manufacturer to prove a reason for exemption.
Please note that due to the same defect, you can assert an accessory warranty claim against the company and a product warranty claim against the manufacturer at the same time, parallel to each other. If your product warranty claim is successfully asserted, you can assert your accessory warranty claim for the replaced product or the part of the product affected by the repair only against the manufacturer.
151/2003 on the mandatory warranty for certain consumer durables. (IX. 22.) Pursuant to government decree, the Seller is obliged to provide a warranty according to Regulation 10/2024 on the definition of the scope of consumer durables covered by the mandatory warranty. (VI.28.) New durable consumer goods listed in Annex No. 1 of the IM Decree (e.g.: technical goods, tools, machines), as well as their accessories and components within the scope defined therein (hereinafter referred to as consumer goods in this section) in case of sale.
The rights arising from the warranty can be asserted with a warranty certificate, which cannot be made conditional on the return of the opened packaging of the consumer product by the consumer. In the event that the warranty certificate is not provided to the consumer, the conclusion of the contract shall be considered proven if the consumer presents the receipt proving the payment of the consideration – an invoice or receipt issued on the basis of the General Sales Tax Act. In this case, the rights arising from the warranty can be asserted with a receipt confirming the payment of the consideration.
In addition, the Seller may voluntarily undertake a warranty, in which case he must provide a warranty statement to the customer who is considered a Consumer.
The warranty statement must be made available to the Consumer on a durable data medium, at the latest at the time of delivery of the goods.
The warranty statement must include:
Based on the right of warranty, the Buyer can claim repair or replacement, request a price reduction in the cases provided for by law, or ultimately withdraw from the contract if the obligee has not undertaken the repair or replacement, is unable to comply with this obligation within the appropriate deadline, while protecting the rights holder's interests , or if the right holder's interest in repair or replacement has ceased.
The Buyer may, as he chooses, report his claim for the warranty directly at the Seller's headquarters, any of its locations, branches, and at the repair service indicated by the Seller on the warranty ticket.
The warranty claim can be asserted during the warranty period, the warranty period is governed by Art. 151/2003. (IX. 22.) According to government decree:
Failure to meet these deadlines results in loss of rights, however, in the case of repair of the consumer product, the warranty period is extended from the date of delivery for repair by the time during which the Customer could not use the consumer product as intended due to the defect.
The warranty period begins when the consumer product is handed over to the Buyer, or if the Seller or its agent performs the commissioning, it begins on the day of commissioning.
If the Buyer puts the consumer product into operation more than six months from the date of handover, the start date of the warranty period is the day the consumer product was handed over.
When handling the repair, the Seller must endeavor to complete the repair within 15 days. The deadline open for correction starts when the consumer product is received.
If the duration of the repair or replacement exceeds fifteen days, the Seller is obliged to inform the Buyer of the expected duration of the repair or replacement.
If, during the first repair of the consumer product during the warranty period, the Seller determines that the consumer product cannot be repaired, the Seller is obliged to replace the consumer product within eight days, unless otherwise ordered by the buyer. If it is not possible to exchange the consumer product, the company is obliged to pay the consumer the purchase price indicated on the warranty card or, in the absence of this, on the proof of payment of the consideration for the consumer product presented by the consumer - on the invoice or receipt issued on the basis of the General Sales Tax Act - within eight days to refund.
By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, the Customer agrees that the information may be provided electronically or in another way suitable for proof of receipt by the Customer.
If the Seller cannot repair the consumer product within 30 days:
If the consumer item is defective for the 4th time - unless otherwise ordered by the consumer - the Seller is obliged to replace the consumer item within eight days. If it is not possible to exchange the consumer product, the company is obliged to pay the consumer the purchase price indicated on the warranty card or, failing that, on the proof of payment of the consideration for the consumer product presented by the consumer - on the invoice or receipt issued on the basis of the General Sales Tax Act - within eight days to refund.
Consumer goods with a fixed connection that are subject to a mandatory warranty, or that weigh more than 10 kg or cannot be transported as hand luggage on public transport - with the exception of vehicles - must be repaired at the place of operation. If the repair cannot be carried out at the place of operation, the company will take care of the disassembly and installation, as well as the delivery and return, or - in the case of a request for repair confirmed directly at the repair service - the repair service.
The regulations written under the section "Rules related to the handling of warranty claims" do not apply to electric bicycles, electric scooters, quads, motorcycles, mopeds, cars, motorhomes, caravans, caravans, trailers, and motorized watercraft.
In the case of these Goods, however, the Seller is obliged to endeavor to fulfill the repair request within 15 days.
If the duration of the repair or replacement exceeds fifteen days, the Seller is obliged to inform the Buyer of the expected duration of the repair or replacement.
The warranty applies in addition to the warranty rights (product and accessories warranty), the fundamental difference between the general warranty rights and the warranty is that in the case of the warranty, the consumer has a more favorable burden of proof.
During the period of the mandatory warranty, the Seller's voluntary warranty undertaking may not contain conditions for the consumer that are more disadvantageous than the rights provided by the mandatory warranty rules. After that, however, the terms of the voluntary warranty can be freely established, but the warranty in this case may not affect the existence of the consumer's legal rights, including those based on the accessory warranty.
In the case of sales through an online store, the institution of the exchange request within three working days also applies. An exchange request within three working days can be validated in the case of new durable consumer goods, according to which, if someone validates the institution of the exchange request within 3 working days, the seller must interpret this as meaning that the Goods were already defective at the time of sale and without further ado the Goods must be replaced.
The Seller is released from his warranty obligation only if he proves that the cause of the defect arose after the performance.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that you can assert an accessory warranty and warranty claim, as well as a product warranty and warranty claim at the same time, parallel to each other, due to the same defect. If, on the other hand, you have once successfully asserted your claim resulting from defective performance due to a specific error (for example, the company replaced the product), you may no longer make a claim for the same error on other legal grounds.
A Customer who is not considered a consumer may - at his or her choice - use the following accessory warranty claims:
You can request a repair or replacement, unless the fulfillment of the request you choose is impossible or would involve disproportionate additional costs for the Seller compared to the fulfillment of another request. If you did not or could not ask for the repair or replacement, you can request a proportional delivery of the compensation, or the Buyer can repair the defect at the Seller's expense, or have it repaired by someone else or - as a last resort - withdraw from the contract.
You can transfer from your selected accessory warranty right to another, but you will bear the cost of the transfer, unless it was justified or the Seller gave a reason for it.
In the case of used goods, warranty and guarantee rights differ from the general rules. In the case of used Goods, we can also speak of defective performance, however, the circumstances under which the Buyer could have expected the occurrence of certain defects must be taken into account. As a result of obsolescence, the occurrence of certain defects becomes more and more frequent, as a result of which it cannot be assumed that a used Goods can have the same quality as a newly purchased one. Based on this, the Buyer can only enforce its warranty rights with regard to defects that are beyond defects resulting from use and that arose independently of them. If the used Goods are defective and the Buyer, who is considered a Consumer, was informed of this at the time of purchase, the Service Provider has no responsibility for the known defect.
In the case of buyers who are not considered consumers, the deadline for enforcing the warranty right is 1 year, which starts on the day of performance (handover).
The product warranty and the mandatory warranty apply only to customers who qualify as consumers.
If the Seller voluntarily provides a warranty for a given Product, this will be indicated separately during the purchase of the Product.
If the manufacturer provides a manufacturer's warranty for the Goods that also covers customers who are not consumers, it can be enforced directly with the manufacturer.
Last modification: Budapest, 03.10.2024.
The purpose of these Regulations is to record FABO GROUP HUNGARY Kft. (registered office: 1132 Budapest, Váci út 16. Fsz. door 12, company registration number: 01-09-421998 , registration authority: Company Court of the Capital City Court as company court, tax number: 32398061- 2-41) and the Company's data protection and data management policy.
During the operation of the website (hereinafter: Website), FABO GROUP HUNGARY Kft. (hereinafter: Service Provider) manages the data of visitors to the Website, those who register on the Website, and those customers (hereinafter collectively, the Data Subject).
The purpose of these Regulations is to ensure that in all areas of services provided by the Service Provider, for all individuals, regardless of their nationality or place of residence, their rights and fundamental freedoms, especially their right to privacy, are respected during the machine processing of their personal data (data protection).
Headquarters and mailing address: 1132 Budapest, Váci út 16. Fsz. Door 12
Phone number: + 36 30 230 3920
Email address:
Data management registration number: -
3.1. Registration
During registration, the Data Subject must provide the following personal data:
3.2. Technical data
Data that is technically recorded during the operation of the system: the data of the data subject's computer that is generated during the use of the service and which is recorded by the Service Provider's system as an automatic result of technical processes. The data that is automatically recorded is automatically logged by the system upon entry or exit without a separate declaration or action by the Data Subject. These data cannot be combined with other personal user data - except in cases made mandatory by law. Only the Service Provider has access to the data.
3.3. Cookies
During visits to the Website, the Service Provider sends one or more cookies - i.e. a small file containing a sequence of characters - to the visitor's computer, through which the browser can be uniquely identified. These cookies are only sent to the visitor's computer when certain sub-pages are visited, so we only store the fact and time of visiting the given sub-page, no other information.
The cookies sent in this way are used as follows: the cookie is not sent to external service providers and the Service Provider does not use it for additional advertising or advertising services.
Used cookies:
The "Help" function in the menu bar of most browsers provides information that the browser:
3.4. Data management related to newsletters, personalized newsletters, cart abandonment letters
It is not possible to subscribe to a personalized newsletter on, the Service Provider does not use newsletters in any form.
3.5. Data management for other purposes
The service provider maintains a telephone customer service, during which the telephone conversation with the customer service is not recorded.
In the event that the Service Provider cannot remedy the complaint immediately, or for other reasons the Data Subject speaks rudely, uses obscene expressions, insults the customer service employee or the Service Provider, the Service Provider is entitled to interrupt the call.
4.1. The data management of the internet content on the website (hereinafter: Website) is based on the Data Subject's voluntary, properly informed statement, which statement contains the Data Subject's express consent to the use of their personal data provided during the use of the Website .
The legal basis for data management is Act CXII of 2011 on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information. TV. (Infotv.) Section 5 (1) According to point a), based on the voluntary consent of the person concerned, as well as the CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society. takes place on the basis of law.
Consent is given by the Data Subject with regard to individual data management by using the Website, by registering, or by voluntarily providing the data in question.
4.2. The purpose of data management is to ensure the provision of services available on the Website. The Service Provider uses the data provided by the Data Subject on a purpose-related basis, solely for the purpose of fulfilling the order, delivering it to the home, enabling invoicing, maintaining contact, and if the Data Subject has subscribed to the newsletter, then sending the newsletter and later proving the terms of the contract that may be created
4.3. The purpose of the automatically recorded data is to create statistics, to improve the technical development of the IT system, and to protect the Data Subject's rights.
4.4. The Service Provider does not use or may use the provided personal data for purposes other than those stated in these points. The release of personal data to third parties or authorities - unless the law has otherwise binding force - is only possible with the prior express consent of the Data Subject.
4.5. The service provider does not check the personal data provided to him. The person providing the data is solely responsible for the adequacy of the data provided. When any Data Subject provides his/her e-mail address, he/she also assumes responsibility for the fact that only he/she uses the service from the given e-mail address. In view of this assumption of responsibility, any responsibility related to logins made at a specified e-mail address shall be borne solely by the Data Subject who registered the e-mail address.
5.1. The processing of personal data provided during registration begins with registration and lasts until it is deleted upon request. In the case of non-mandatory data, data management lasts from the time the data is entered until the data in question is deleted upon request. The registration may be canceled by the Data Subject, as well as by the Service Provider, at any time, in the case and in the manner specified in the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC).
5.2. The logged data is stored by the system for 6 months from the date of logging, with the exception of the date of the last visit, which is automatically overwritten.
5.3. The above provisions do not affect the fulfillment of retention obligations defined in legislation (e.g. accounting legislation), as well as data processing based on additional consents given during registration on the Website or in any other way.
6.1. The Service Provider and the Service Provider's internal employees are primarily entitled to know the data, but they are not published or passed on to third parties.
6.2. The Service Provider may use a data processor (e.g. system operator, transport company, accountant) for the operation of the underlying IT system, the fulfillment of orders, and settlement of accounts.
Name of data processors:
Company name | Title | Activity |
Bálint Könyvelő Iroda Kft. | H-6000 Kecskemét, Petőfi Sándor utca 18-20 | accounting |
DotRoll Kft. | H-1148 Budapest Fogarasi út 3-5. | system administrators, hosting activities |
Billingo Technologies Zrt. | H-1133 Budapest, Árbóc utca 6. I. floor | billing system |
Magyar Posta Zrt. | H-1138 Budapest, Dunavirág u. 2-6. | courier service activity |
UNAS Online Kft. GLS Kft. | H-9400 Sopron, Kőszegi út 14. H-2351 Alsónémedi, GLS Európa u. 2. | web store operator courier service activity |
Webshippy Hungary Zoner Kft. | H-2151 Fót, 0221/12. H-9024 Győr, Közép utca 16. 3rd floor. 305. | outsourced logistics certificate manager |
The Service Provider forwards the data provided by the Data Subject to Billingo Technologies Zrt. in order to issue the electronic invoice. The purpose of the data transmission is to issue an electronic fee request invoice to the Data Subject, which the Service Provider sends electronically to the email address provided by the Data Subject.
6.3. Fabo Group Hungary Kft. handles the personal data of the Data Subjects in a traceable manner and in accordance with the law. In addition to the above, personal data will only be forwarded to third parties with the Data Subject's consent and will only be released in the event of official requests.
7.1. The Data Subject is entitled at any time to request information about his/her personal data managed by the Service Provider, and may also modify them at any time in the manner specified in the General Terms and Conditions.
7.2. At the request of the Data Subject, the Service Provider provides information about the data it manages, the data processed by it or by the data processor commissioned by it, its source, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the data processing, as well as the name, address and activities related to data processing, the data protection about the circumstances of the incident, its effects and the measures taken to prevent it, and - in the case of forwarding the Data Subject's personal data - about the legal basis and recipient of the data forwarding. The service provider shall provide the requested information in writing within 30 days of the submission of the request.
The Service Provider - if it has an internal data protection officer, through the internal data protection officer - keeps a register for the purpose of checking the measures related to the data protection incident and for informing the Data Subject, which includes the scope of the Data Subject's personal data, the scope and number of those affected by the data protection incident, and the date of the data protection incident , its circumstances, its effects and the measures taken to prevent it, as well as other data specified in the legislation prescribing data management.
7.3. The data subject can exercise his rights at the following contact details:
Mailing address: FABO GROUP HUNGARY Kft. 1132 Budapest, Váci út 16. Fsz. Door 12 Phone number: + 36 30 230 3920
Customer service:
With any questions or comments related to data management, the Data Subject may contact the Service Provider's staff in section 7.3. via contact details in
7.4. The Data Subject has the right to request the correction or deletion of their incorrectly recorded data at any time. The Data Subject can correct some of his data on the Website; in other cases, the Service Provider will delete the data within 3 working days from the receipt of the request, in which case they will not be recoverable. The deletion does not apply to data processing required by law (e.g. accounting regulations), which are retained by the Service Provider for the necessary period.
7.5. The Data Subject may also request the blocking of their data. The Service Provider locks the personal data if the data subject requests this, or if it can be assumed based on the information available that the deletion would harm the Data Subject's legitimate interests. The personal data locked in this way can only be processed as long as the data management purpose exists, which precluded the deletion of the personal data.
The Data Subject, as well as all those to whom the data was previously forwarded for the purpose of data management, must be notified of the correction, blocking and deletion. The notification can be omitted if this does not violate the Data Subject's legitimate interests in view of the purpose of the data management.
If the Service Provider does not comply with the Data Subject's request for correction, blocking or deletion, within 30 days of receiving the request, the Service Provider shall notify the factual and legal reasons for rejecting the request for correction, blocking or deletion in writing.
The Data Subject may object to the processing of his personal data. The service provider examines the objection as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days after the submission of the application, makes a decision on its validity, and informs the applicant of its decision in writing.
7.6. The data subject is based on the Civil Code (Act V of 2013).
7.7. If the Data Subject provided third-party data during registration to use the service or caused damage in any way while using the Website, the Service Provider is entitled to claim compensation from the Data Subject. In such a case, the Service Provider will provide all possible assistance to the acting authorities in order to establish the identity of the person violating the law.
9.1. The Service Provider's system may collect data on the Data Subject's activity, which cannot be linked to other data provided by the Data Subject upon registration, nor to data generated when using other websites or services.
9.2. In any case, if the Service Provider intends to use the provided data for a purpose other than the purpose of the original data collection, the Data Subject shall be informed of this, and the Data Subject shall be given prior, express consent to this, and shall be given the opportunity to prohibit the use.
9.3. The service provider undertakes to ensure the security of the data, and to take the technical measures to ensure that the recorded, stored and managed data are protected, and to do everything possible to prevent their destruction, unauthorized use and unauthorized change. You also undertake to call on all third parties to whom you may forward or transfer the data to fulfill their obligations in this regard.
9.4. The Service Provider reserves the right to unilaterally amend these Regulations by notifying the Data Subjects in advance on the Website. After the amendment enters into force, the Data Subject must accept the amendments in order to continue using the Website, as provided by the Service Provider on the Website.
Last modification: Budapest, 03.10.2024.