ChessBase Magazine 181

Article No.: AN547875A
ChessBase Magazine 181
ChessBase Magazine 181
Article No.: AN547875A
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3 900 Ft Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára. 2 900 Ft
Duration of sale: Begin: 14/01/2025  -  While stocks last!

This collection features top-level games, tactical challenges, and instructive insights, offering something for chess players of all levels:

  1. Counter-puncher Carlsen: Peter Heine Nielsen analyzes how the world champion seized his opportunity against Fabiano Caruana in the Isle of Man tournament.
  2. Calculate correctly: Test your calculation skills with Oliver Reeh's interactive tactics video!
  3. The improved Grand Prix Attack: Simon Williams demonstrates the effectiveness of 2.Be2 against the Sicilian.
  4. Double rook ending tricks: Karsten Müller dissects the key moments of Aronian-Vachier Lagrave from the World Cup in an insightful video.
  5. Drum roll in the English Opening: Max Illingworth reviews the impact of Grischuk’s 6...Bc5 move on English Opening theory.
  6. What's new in the King’s Indian Attack? Igor Stohl updates you on the latest developments in this dynamic system.
  7. Incredible survival: David Navara explains how he saved a draw against a queen while being a pawn down.
  8. Attack, attack, attack: Ashot Nadanian, Aronian's second, reveals how the Armenian secured his first win in the World Cup final.
  9. Doubled is better: Learn the diversionary tactic from Khalifman-Ehlvest in Efstratios Grivas’ FIDE-endorsed course.
  10. World Cup decider: Enjoy one of the most spectacular tiebreak games with Daniel King’s video analysis!

This compilation is a treasure trove for players eager to sharpen their skills in tactics, strategy, and modern opening theory.